Mission statement
Swansea International Health aims to provide opportunities for the staff and students in our Medical School and NHS Trust to contribute to improving health in resource-poor countries.
To achieve this aim, we have developed partnerships with colleagues working in West Africa:
The Ibadan-Swansea Partnership (ISP) provides support for health professionals in poorer countries in making their own computer-based learning materials. This builds capacity in adult learning and eLearning and generates open-access, copyright-free modules that focus on priority diseases.
The Swansea-Gambia Link is a broader partnership that aims to bring staff and students together to work for mutual benefit on health issues of common interest - including clinical care, health service delivery, teaching and research.
Themes that underlie our involvement in international health are:
- Building the capacity of health professionals to improve health outcomes
- Involving medical, nursing and other students in international health early in their careers